1. Talk to someone. Talking to someone you know and trust about your problems will help you get all your feelings out. Make sure you're not talking to anyone who will yell at you for something bad, or criticize your feelings. That will just make everything worse.
2. Stop and think. What is my problem? How can I deal with it?break down a bigger problem into smaller problems, that seems less threatening and easier to cope with. Write down ways you can overcome yourproblems.
3. Work one step at a time. Take very small baby steps and make sure you don't take any ones that are too big.
4. Treat yourself. Take time off to do something you enjoy, such as paly a favorite sport or go to movie with friends. Doing activities you like will lower your blood pressure and lift your spirits.
5. Take a deep breath. Inhale deeply for 5 seconds through your nose and out 5 seconds through your mouth. Doing this for a few minutes a day has been proven to help a person feel more relaxed. Also, taking warm showers will clear your head so you can think straight.
6. Reward yourself(or ako magrereward nalang sayo hehehe). After you have taken even one baby step, reward yourself by doing something you love to do. Keep it up and you will begin to associate conquering challenges with special awards. Keep in mind, though, that you will soon have to learn to just keep achieving goals, without the little splurge at the end, although achieving any goal is its own reward.
Hope this helps! : )